AAPM ® Approved Diploma and
Training Providers: These training providers have be recognized by our AAPM ® Board.
Anyone who completes Project Management
Training or a degree from one of the below organizations, can apply for our MPM Master Project Manager
All Universities and Programs Below can use the Certified
Partner Logo by sending us a simple email to request and authorize the
Take our MPM ® and AAPM ®
Approved Trainings in the USA
List of Degree and
Diploma Programs that are Accredited by the AAPM ®
AAPM Chapters.
ACBSP Chapter - All ACBSP Colleges and Schools
are Accredited for Certification. If you have a degree from an ACBSP School, you may apply
*East Coast Chapter - Queens College – City
University of New York - AAPM Qualified for MPM and CIPM Certification
Certificate in Project Management - The Project Management Professional credential
recognizes demonstrated knowledge and skill in leading and directing project teams and in delivering project
results within the constraints of schedule, budget and resources.
Queens College – City University of New York
The Office of Technology Training
Center Project Management Program
65-30 Kissena Blvd, Kiely Hall 111J, Flushing , NY
Hours: (M-F) 9-5 | (Sat-Sun) Closed
Phone: 718-997-4984 - Fax:
718-997-4986 www.qc.cuny.edu
For program information, please contact:
Dr. Ruby Chua, Director
Emelda Geneta
emelda.geneta@qc.cuny.edu |
West Coast Chapter
UCSC EXTENSION IN SILICON VALLEY (link to: www.ucsc-extension.edu)
10420 Bubb Road
Cupertino CA 95014
Phone: 408 861 3700
Email: program@ucsc-extension.edu
Degrees Offered: Graduate Certificate in Project & Program Management, Graduate
Certificate in Advanced Project Management, degree credit toward Master of Science in Information Technology and in
Project Management, and toward MBA
We are the University of California Extension in and for Silicon Valley. As the
region's #1 provider of advanced professional education, we are also the largest trainer specializing in advanced
and applied project management. The program is renowned for its real-world curriculum tailored to the fast moving,
constantly changing Silicon Valley workplace. Our graduate level Project & Program Management (PPM)
Certificate, which can be earned via classroom or online, is recognized nationally for credit towards Masters
degrees at leading universities. In addition, we provide onsite corporate training for Silicon Valley's highest
profile companies, including NASA and Cisco Systems. We serve a cross section of industries from high technology to
aerospeace, biotech to healthcare, financial services to construction, government and utilities.
Location: Silicon Valley (Cupertino, CA) USA
1) MPM Master Project Manager Program UOA
Link 2)
CIPM Certified Intl. Project Manager Program Link
* London UK Chapter - Stone Falcon via IBS Global
IBS Global Academy - INTERNATIONAL - Global Online Courses
Information - IBS Global Academy - IsC AAPM ® Project Management
Courses London, United Kingdom and EU
Other Recognized
Lignum Institute in the
Bahamas Official AAPM Provider - West Indies Caribbean
Malaysia Chapter President - Dr. GP Chandran, DBA, MBA, B.EngAMC, MCP, CPC, MPM®, CIPM®, CPE™,
PRINCE2, ITIL.Fellow & Certified Trainer, Malaysia Chapter President & Special Advisor
in Conjunction with International Project Management Commission
No. 18-2A, Jalan 9/125D,
Taman Desa Petaling,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel : +603 9057 0177
Contact Person : Dr GP Chandran
Phone +6012 286 0047
Email : gpchandran@aapmmalaysia.org
Web : www.ppa-m.com
Web : www.aapmmalaysia.org
PM Consults - Nigeria Exams and Assessments
AAPM Global- Nigeria Operation Partner/Evaluation, Accreditation and Nomination
Director Samuel Temitope
Location: Lagos
- Nigeria - Africa
American Academy Indonesia
Chapter – Prof. Dr. Ir. Fauzi Hasan MM., MBA., MPM., CWM.,
President Chapter
The Chapter Office
Jl. Komplek
IPB No.2
Barang-Bogor Indonesia
Phone: +62
(251) 8310930
Mobile: + 62
* This Indonesian Chapter is recognized directly by the
BNSP Government Credentialing Agency
Indonesia Regional
Partners and Providers under Chapter:
1. HSP Academy Training
Ruko Graha Boulevard Blok D/26 Sumarecon – Gading Serpong –
Phone: 62 21 29001151 or 62 21 29001152 or 62 21
Mobile Phone: 0812 8190 8009|0812 8388 6030 | 0812 1990
Fax : 62 21-29001152
Email: info@hspacademy.com
Link: www.hspacademy.com
2. Expertindo Training and
Jl. Kaliurang Km 10, Kompleks Perum Puri Gentan Asri No 11,
Phone 62 85100890284
Fax: 62 274-884489
Email: mail@expertindo-training.com expertindotraining@gmail.com
3. PT. Astronacci
Jl. Pegangsaan Indah Barat Blok A
Kelapa Gading-Jakarta
Phone: 62 21
4. AHS Manajemen
Jl. Amil Raya N0.60 Pejaten Barat
Pasar Minggu Jakarta-Indonesia
Contact Person : Dr. Ahmad Hidayat
Phone +60 8112009869
Email :suta.phd@gmail.com
Web :www.ahsmanajemen.com
5. PT. Nusantara Mitra Berkembang
Office : Green Puspa Asri B2 No 31, Kalipecabean, Candi, Sidoarjo - Jawa Timur-Indonesia
Email : nusamitraconsulting@gmail.com, nusantara.mitra.berkembang@gmail.com
Phone : 0851-5900-8687
Website : www.nusamitraconsulting.com
6. PT. Hutama Hanriz Indonesia
Office: Grand Permata Jingga, 14th Boulevard Avenue No. 11, Malang - Jawa timur-Indonesia
Marketing: Sekarpuro Residence Blok C45, Malang - Jawa Timur
Email: admin@hutamaindo.com
Mobile Phone: 0812-3938-3736 / 0821-8038-3736
Link: www.hutamaindo.com
7. PT. Globaltech -Special Partner
Office: Jl. Darul Quran No. 5 Bogor-Indonesia
Email: admin@hutamaindo.com
Mobile Phone: 0816-1140-440 / 0819-3012-2000
Link: www.globaltech.com
8. MONEY FOR WEALTH – Financial
Belleza Office Tower, 7th Floor
Jl. Letjen Soepeno No. 34
Arteri Permata Hijau, Jakarta 12210 – Indonesia
Phone: (021) 27093024 atau 081315666870 (Nathalia Wulansari)
Email: admin@money4wealth.com
9. Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Universitas Winaya Mukti
Jl. Turangga no. 25 Bandung
Contact Person : Bu Winna, +62 878-2290-1631 (WA)
Website : http://www.unwim.ac.id
10. PT. Prodemi Mitra Bisnis
Office : Gedung Masindo lt.3.
Jl. Mampang Prapatan Raya No.73A, Jakarta Selatan - DKI Jakarta
Email : prodemy.global@gmail.com
Mobile Phone : 0821-1223-5378
Link : www.prodemyasia.com
The Asia Pacific School of Business (Private) Education Group ®
The Asia Pacific School of Business 
Newfoundland and Labrador College
Dr. Yiyan Jianyin
Block E, Po Cheong International Centre, 148-154 Nam Cheong Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon, Hong Kong,
+852 8191 5588
CEO Asia Pacific School of Business (Private) Education Group ®
COB The Asia Pacific School of Business
COB Newfoundland and Labrador College
SIN Main Campus: #03-05 International Plaza, 10 Anson Road, Singapore, 079903
CAN Main Campus: 299 Mt Scio Rd, St. John's, NL H6CV+42 Canada, A1B 4L6
USA Campus: Times Research Center 44 Commonwealth Avenue, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
MYA Campus: No.1, Junction of 26th & 66th Street, Chan Aye Tharzan Township Mandalay Myanmar,
CHN Office: 28th Floor, Block 8, SEG ECO Center, No: 18 Bulong Road, Shenzhen, 518030
JPN Office: 34-2-18 Moto-Azabu, Minato-Ku, Tokyo, Japan, 106-0046
HKG Center: 148-154 Nam Cheong Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon, Hong Kong, 999717
NZL Center: Cawthron Institute, Private Bag 2018, Hamilton, New Zealand, 3240
GBR Center: Office of APSB's in The University of Edinburgh, 33 Buccleuch Place Edinburgh, EH8
RSA Office: Private Bag H8, Rondebosch, Cape Town Central, South Africa, 7701
We are the University of California Extension in and for Silicon Valley. As the
region's #1 provider of advanced professional education, we are also the largest trainer specializing in advanced
and applied project management. The program is renowned for its real-world curriculum tailored to the fast moving,
constantly changing Silicon Valley workplace. Our graduate level Project & Program Management (PPM)
Certificate, which can be earned via classroom or online, is recognized nationally for credit towards Masters
degrees at leading universities. In addition, we provide onsite corporate training for Silicon Valley's highest
profile companies, including NASA and Cisco Systems. We serve a cross section of industries from high technology to
aerospeace, biotech to healthcare, financial services to construction, government and utilities.
Location: Silicon Valley (Cupertino, CA) USA
Silva Rosa Consulting - AAPM &
AAFM BRAZIL Exclusive Representative
Rua José Baruzi 57 São Paulo SP
Rua Prefeito Faria Lima, nº 400, Jardim Maringá, Londrina –
PR – Brazil
Other Recognized
501 South Cherry Street
Suite 350
Denver, CO 80246 USA
Degrees Offered: Certificate in Project Management, MBA, MBA Project Management, MBA Information Management, Master
of Science in Information Technology, Master of Science in Information Management
American Graduate
Graduate Programs in Project Management and Acquisition Management
733 North Dodsworth Avenue
Covina, CA 91724-2499 USA
Phone Number: +626-966-4576
E-mail Address: Info@agu.edu
Degrees Offered: Master of Project Management
American InterContinental University Online -
Project Management Degree Focus
Office of Continuing Studies
P.O. Box 549110
MS 084
Waltham, MA 05454-9110
Degrees Offered: Various PM Programs
Capella University
222 South 9th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Phone: 1-888-CAPELLA or +612-659-8650
Degrees Offered: MS in IT in Project Management and Leadership
11900 NE 1st St.
Bellevue, WA 98005
Phone Number: 1-800-426-5596
E-mail Address: pminfo@cityu.edu
Degrees Offered: Various PM Programs
Colorado Technical
Department of Management
4435 N. Chestnut Street
Colorado Springs, CO. 80907 USA
Phone Number: +719-598-0200
E-mail Address: ctucos@coloradotech.edu
Degrees Offered: Various Project Management Programs
Desales University
MBA Office
Allentown College Saint Francis de Sales
MBA Program
2755 Station Avenue
Center Valley, PA 18034-9568 USA
Phone Number: 1-888-MBA-Excel
Degrees Offered: MBA Program in Project Management
Florida Institute of
School of Extended Graduate Studies
150 W. University Blvd.
Melbourne, FL 32901
Phone: +321-674-8880
Fax: +321-951-7694
Degrees Offered: MS: Project Management
George Washington University
The George Washington University
School of Business and Public Management
2115 G Street, NW, Monroe Hall, 302
Washington, DC 20052
E-Mail: vsa@gwu.edu
Phone Number: 1-888-388-6656 or +202-994-6122
Degrees Offered: M.S.P.M. Master in Project Management
Georgetown University
School of Continuing Studies
Box 571006
Washington, DC 20057
(202) 687-8700
Certificate in Proj. Mgt approved for AAPM MPM. Or: Georgetown Center for Continuing and Professional Education
3101 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 200
Arlington, VA 22201
(202) 687-7000
Keller Graduate School of
Master of Project Management
One Tower Lane
Oakbrook Terrace, IL.60181 USA
Phone Number: 1-800-225-8000 or +630-571-7700
E-mail Address: jmiller@keller.edu
Degrees Offered: Masters in Project Management
International University
9697 East Mineral Avenue
Englewood, CO 80112 USA
Phone Number:800.811.5663 x 8244 or +303.784.8244
E-mail Address: jdorris@international.edu
Degrees Offered: MBA in Project Management
Naval Postgraduate School
Graduate School of Business and Public Policy
555 Dyer Road
Monterey, CA 93943-5103
Phone Number: +831-656-2775
Degrees Offered: Master of Science in Program Management, Master of Science in Contract Management
New Jersey Institute of Technology
University Heights
Newark, New Jersey 07102-1982
Phone Number: +973-596-3000
Degrees Offered: M.S. in Engineering Management with Project Management specialization.
Northwestern University
Northwestern University
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Robert R. McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science
Evanston, IL 60208-3109 USA
Degree Offered: Master of Science in Project Management with specializations in A/E/C Business Management,
Construction Management, Environmental Management, and Infrastructure Management
Regis University
School of Professional Studies
Distance Education Programs
3333 Regis Boulevard
Mail Code L-16
Denver, CO 80221-1099 USA
Phone Number: 1-800-677-9480 or +303-458-4080
E-mail Address: online_ed@regis.edu
Degree Offered: Online Masters in Project Leadership and Management and Certificate in Executive Project
Saint Mary's University of Minnesota
Twin Cities Campus
School of Graduate & Special Programs
2500 Park Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55404-4403 USA
Phone Number: 1-866-437-2788 OR 612-874-9877
Fax Number: 612-728-5121
E-mail Address: GELLIS@SMUMN.EDU
Degrees Offered: Various PM Related Degrees
Thomas Edison State College
101 West State Street
Trenton, NJ 08608
E-mail Address: graduatestudies@tesc.edu
Certificate - Graduate Certificate in Project Management
Degrees Offered: Master of Science in Management in Project Management
University of Alaska,
School of Engineering
3211 Providence Dr.
Anchorage, AK 99508-8096 USA
Phone Number: +907-786-1862
Fax: (907)786-1079
E-mail Address: afjwr@uaa.alaska.edu
Degrees Offered: Various PM Degrees
University of
6685 Peachtree Industrial Blvd
Atlanta, GA 30360 USA
U.S. Department of Interior - Graduate
Graduate Programs in Project Management
and Acquisition Management
If you pass the graduate program sponsored by the government, you are immediately eligible for the MPM Master
Project Manager Certification.
University of Central Florida
Department of Industrial Engineering & Management Systems
4000 Central Florida Blvd.
Orlando, Florida 32816, USA
Degrees Offered: Graduate Cert in Project Management
University of
College of Technology
4800 Calhoun Road
Houston, Texas 77204, USA
Phone: +713-743-4098
Email address: hverhasselt@uh.edu
Degrees Offered: Master of Science Degree in Technology Project Management -
University of Management And
1925 North Lynn Street Third Floor
Arlington, VA 22209 USA
Phone Number: +703-516-0035
E-mail Address: info@umtweb.edu
Degrees Offered: M.B.A.; Ph.D. in Management
University of Maryland
A.J. Clark School of Engineering
1168 Glenn L. Martin Hall
College Park Maryland, 20742 USA
For information contact Al Santos at asantos@eng.umd.edu
Degrees Offered: MS/PH.D. for Project Management
University of Phoenix
Phoenix Campus Certificate Programs
4635 East Elwood Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85040, USA
Phone Number: +480-966-7400
Degrees Offered: Project Management; ISO9000; OSHA Regulatory Compliance
University of Scranton
Center for Continuing Education
St. Thomas Hall
Harper-McGinnis Wing
Scranton, Pennsylvania 18510-4639, USA
Phone Number: +570-941-7582
E-mail Address: falbos1@uofs.edu
Degrees Offered: Master’s Certificates
The University of Texas At Dallas
Executive Education Program
P.O. Box 830688
HH 15 Richardson, TX 75083-0688 USA
Phone Number: +972-883-2652
Degrees Offered: Certificate in Project Management, MS in Management with PM emphasis, MBA with PM emphasis, Campus
and Online delivery options.
Internet: http://som.utdallas.edu/executive/exec_proj_mgmt/exec_proj_mgmt_welcome.htm
University of
School of Business
David Antonioni, Ph.D
Director of Leadership Development Program
Director of Project Management Programs
Professor of Management in Executive Education
“Degrees Offered: Master’s Certificate”
The University of Wisconsin- Platteville
1 University Plaza
Platteville, WI 53818-3099 USA
Phone Number: 1-800-362-5460 or +608-342-1468
E-mail Address: disted@uwplatt.edu
Degrees Offered: Master of Science in Project Management
Western Carolina
Online Masters Program of Project Management
PM Education Online
138 Outreach Center
Cullowhee, NC 28723 USA
Phone Number: +828-227-7397
E-mail Address: mpm_online@wcu.edu
Degrees Offered: Master of Project Management (totally on line), Online Professional Project Management Certificate
and PMP Prep and Custom Designed Corporate Education.
Wright State
College of Business and Administration
110 Rike Hall
3640 Colonel Glenn Highway
Dayton, OH 45435-0001
Degrees Offered: MBA with a concentration in Project Management
Aberdeen University
Masters Degree in Project Management
Department of Engineering
King's College
AB24 3FX
Athabasca University
Centre for Innovative Management
#301 - 22 Sir Winston Churchill Ave.
St. Albert, AB T8N 1B4
Phone Number:+780-459-1144, +800-561-4650
Fax Number: +780-459-2093, +800-561-4660
E-mail: cimoffice@athabascau.ca
Degrees Offered: MBA in Project Management
Australian Defense Force Academy
(University College, University of New South Wales)
Project Management Programme
School of Civil Engineering
Australian Defense Force Academy
Northcott Drive
Campbell, ACT 2600
Phone Number: +61 2 6268 8335
E-mail: a.white@adfa.edu.au
Degrees Offered: Various PM Degrees
Cranfield University
Cranfield School of Management
Admissions Officer
Cranfield, Bedfordshire MK43 OAL England, U.K.
Phone Number: +011-44-1234-751122
E-mail Address: m.williams@cranfield.ac.uk
Degrees Offered: Various PM Degrees
Curtin University of
School of Architecture, Construction & Planning
GPO Box U 1987
Perth 6845 Western Australia
Phone Number: +61 8 9266 2712
Fax Number: +61 8 9266 2711
E-mail Address: enquiry@arch.curtin.edu.au
Degrees Offered: Diploma, and M.S. in Project Management
Isae/Fgv- Instituto Superior De Administracao E
Economia Do Mercosul
Av. Commendador Franco, 1341
Jardim Botanico-Curitiba-Parana- 80215-090 BRAZIL
Phone Number: +55-41-218-7711
Degrees Offered: Executive Master Business Administration of Project Management, MBA Executive of Team
9001 Vers. 2000 Certified
ISGI – Lille Graduate School of Management
Avenue Willy Brandt
59777 Euralille- France
Phone Number: +33-3-20-21-59-72 or +33-6-09-64-25-97 (mobile)
E-mail Address: c.bredillet@esc-lille.fr
Degrees Offered: Various Masters and Other PM Degrees
Lancaster University
Department of Engineering
Electronic and Mechanical Engineering
Postgraduate Studies
Lancaster, LA1 4YW ENGLAND, UK
Phone Number: +011-44-1524-592037
E-mail Address: intoffice@lancaster.ac.uk
Degrees Offered: Various PM Degrees
Lancaster University
Project Management Division
Lancaster University Management School
Lancaster, LA1 4YX
Phone Number: +011-44-1524-593418
Fax: +011-44-1524-594036
E-mail Address: intoffice@lancaster.ac.uk
Degrees Offered: MSc Project-Based Management (full-time), MSc Project Management (work based), MSc Project
Management (research based), MSc Engineering Project Management (work based), Postgraduate Diploma in Project
Management (work based), Certificate in Project Management.
Linköping University, Sweden-
International Graduate School of Management and Industrial Engineering
Project Management Executive Master Program
Linköping University
581 83 SWEDEN
Phone number + 46 13 28 10 00
E-mail address: jonas.soderlund@eki.liu.se
Degrees Offered: Masters in Project Management
Course language: English. Participants come from all over the world. Number of participants: 24 per year. Part-time
National University of Singapore
School of Design and Environment
4 Architecture Drive
Singapore 117566
Phone number: +68743413
E-mail address: bdgtanw@nus.edu.sg
Degrees Offered: Masters of Science (Project Management)
Queensland University of
School of Construction Management and Property
2 George Street
GPO Box 2434
Brisbane Qld 4001- Australia
Phone Number: +61-73864 2678
Fax Number: +61-73864 1170
Email Address: s.cook@qut.edu.au
Degrees Offered: Masters of Project Management, Graduate Diploma in Project Management
Department of Building and Construction Economics
GPO Box 2476V
Melbourne, Vic 3001
Phone: +61-3-9925-2230
Fax: +61-3-9925-1939
Email: derek.walker@rmit.edu.au
Internet for the DPM http://dhtw.tce.rmit.edu.au/pmgt/dpm.htm
Degrees Offered: Doctor of Project Management, Masters of Project Management, Graduate Diploma in Project
UNITEC Institute of
Faculty of Architecture and Design
PO Box 92025
New Zealand
Phone: +64-9-815-4321
Fax: +64-9-846-7369
Email: pquinnell@unitec.ac.n
Degrees Offered: Master of Project Management with exit qualifications of Post Graduate Diploma in Project
Management and Post Graduate Certificate in Project Management.
Universidad Para La Cooperacion
Internacional/University For International Cooperation
Latin American Program for Project Management
Apdo. Postal 504-2050
San José
Costa Rica
Phone Number: +506 2836464
E-mail Address: info@uci.ac.cr or uci@uci.ac.cr
Degrees Offered: Masters in Project Management & Specialized courses
Universite Du Quebec En Abitibi-Temiscamingue
445, boul de l'Université
Rouyn-Noranda PQ,J9X 5E4
Phone Number: +819-762-0971
E-mail: registraire@uqat.uquebec.ca
Degrees Offered: Master Degree in Project Management
Universite Du Quebec A'
555, boul. de l'Université
Chicoutimi PQ,G7H 2B1
Phone Number:+418-545-5011
E-mail: regist@uqac.uquebec.ca
Degrees Offered: Master Degree in Project Management
Universite Du Quebec A’ Hull
International Business Project Management
C.P. 1250 Succursale B
Phone Number: +819-595-3900
E-mail Address: registraire@uqah.uquebec.ca
Degrees Offered: PM Masters Degree
Universite Du Quebec A'
Ecole des Sciences de la Gestion
315, rue Sainte-Catherine est
C.P. 6192, succ. Centre-ville
Montréal PQ, H3C 4R2
Phone Number: +514-987-4276
E-mail: admission@uqam.ca
Degrees Offered: PM Master Degree
Universite Du Quebec A'
300, allée des Ursulines
Rimouski PQ, G5L 3A1
Phone Number: +418-724-1433
E-mail: admission@uqar.uquebec.ca
Degrees Offered: Master Degree in Project Management
Universite Du Quebec A' Trois-Rivieres
3351, boul. des Forges
Trois-Rivières, PQ, G9A 5H7
Phone Number:+819-376-5011
E-mail: registraire@uqtr.uquebec.ca
Internet: www.uqtr.uquebec.ca
Degrees Offered: Master Degree in Project Management
University of Bradford
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Development and Project Planning
International Liaison, Richmond Road
Bradford, BD7 1DP ENGLAND, UK
Phone Number: +011-44-1274-233023
E-mail Address: pg.admissions@bradford.ac.uk
Degrees Offered: Various PM Related Masters Degrees
University of Calgary
Department of Civil Engineering
Project Management
2500 University Drive NW
Calgary, AB T2N 1N4
Phone Number: +403-220-4816
E-mail Address: eales@ucalgary.ca
Degrees Offered: Various PM Masters Degrees
University of Leeds
School of Engineering
Leeds, LS2 9JT UK
Degrees Offered: MSc in Engineering Project Management
University of Limerick
College of Business
Business Programmes and Project Management Programs
Admissions Office
Limerick, Ireland
Phone Number: 011+353-61-333644
E-mail Address: Admissions@ul.ie
University of Manchester Institute of Science
And Technology
PO Box 88
Manchester M60 1QD UK
Phone Number: 011- 44-161 2363311
Degree Offered: Msc. in Management of Projects, Commercial Project Management, Construction Project Management, and
Engineering Project Management.
Internet: www.umist.ac.uk
University of Portsmouth
Centre of Project and Quality Management
CPQM, Furze Lane
Southsea, Hampshire, PO4 8LW UK
Phone Number: 011+44-1705-844600
E-mail Address: Rebecca.Waddington@port.ac.uk
Degrees Offered: PgC, PgD; MSc Project Management.
The Bartlett School of Graduate Studies
University College London
Philips House, Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT
Phone Number: +44-020 7391 1738
Fax Number: +44-020 7813 2837
E-mail Address: bartlett.pgclerk@ucl.ac.uk
Degrees Offered: M.Sc. in Project Management Program.
The University of Queensland
Master of Project Management and Graduate Diploma in Project Management
School of Business
St Lucia, Queensland - 4072 Australia
Country: Australia
Prof Clive M. J. Warren
Work Phone: +61 733744242
University of Southern Queensland
Project Management Program
Australian Graduate School of Business
University of Southern Queensland
Queensland 4350 Australia
Phone Number: +61 7 4631 2961
E-mail Address: business.postgrad@usq.edu.au
University of
Project Management Programme
Department of Civil Engineering
The University of Sydney
NSW 2006, Australia
Phone Number: +61-2-9351-3672
University of Technology,
Project Management Program Masters
PO Box 123
Broadway NSW 2007
Phone Number: +61-2-9514-8723
E-mail Address: Deepak.Bajaj@uts.edu.au
International Open University
8721 Santa Monica Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90069-4507
Fax Number: +1-707-222-0353
Phone Number: +1-866-596-9038
Voicemail: +1-484-423-0469
Executive Project
Risk Management Certification - Chartered Risk Analyst CRA
Certification courses in New York, San Fransicso and Chicago. Also counts for CPRM Certified Project Risk
American Graduate University
Graduate Programs in Project Management and Acquisition Management
733 North Dodsworth Avenue
Covina, CA 91724-2499 USA
Phone Number: +626-966-4576
E-mail Address: Info@agu.edu
Degrees Offered: Master of Project Management
American InterContinental University Online