Certified Project Manager Professional Institute  cec-HEADER-SMALL Project Management Certification Certified Project Manager Accredited Certification Project Management

Chartered Certified Project Manager Certifications

AAPM American Academy of Certified Project Management  ® USA - Certifying Board The AAPM ® Project Management Certified  Board is AAPM ® Board of Standards - EU Accredited and ISO 9001 Certified for Quality and ISO 21001 Certified Body & ISO 29993 Certified for Training. CIPM Certified International Project Manager ®  &  Master Project Manager ®  Registered Trademarks - Accredited - USA Department of Education Standards  - European ECLBS - QAHE - MACCA - ACBSP & Arab Academy Accreditation Standards




CIPM http://www.careeronestop.org/toolkit/training/find-certifications.aspx?keyword=cipm&direct=0&certid=7939-B&frd=true

MPM http://www.careeronestop.org/toolkit/training/find-certifications.aspx?keyword=mpm&ajax=0&direct=0&certid=9496-B

AMC http://www.careeronestop.org/toolkit/training/find-certifications.aspx?keyword=AMC&ajax=0&direct=0&certid=7933-B

Pearson Education http://www.pearsonitcertification.com/articles/article.aspx?p=1646439

Monster.com http://news.monster.com/a/technology/5-practical-project-management-certifications-33f93d


Top Certs http://www.invensislearning.com/blog/top-10-project-management-certifications-in-demand/

Top 7 http://www.greycampus.com/blog/project-management/top-7-project-management-certifications-in-2016

Computerworld http://www.computerworld.com.sg/print-article/88059/ 

Cert Mag http://certmag.com/is-project-management-certification-right-for-you/



AAPM ® Accredited
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INDEED CAREER GUIDE  lists AAPM in Top Project Management Certifications.   


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ISO 21001


SIS Certification Sanctioned for ISO 29993 & 21001

AAPM ®  is in alliance with the CEC Certified e-Commerce Consultants which has been offering e-business certification for about 20 years.  







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